Download PDF Documents

This Section of the website comprises a number of links to PDF documents relating to inpatient and outpatient care at the John Radcliffe Hospital, The Churchill Hospital, and the manor Hospital Oxford.

Click on links to open PDF files of patient information leaflet

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Excellent Information from the British Brain and Spine Foundation

CT and MRI Scans

Back and neck pain

Brain Tumour

Spinal Tumours

Subarachnoid Haemorrhage

Vascular malformations of the brain


Head injury

Chiari Malformation

The John Radcliffe Hospital

General information about the Neuroscience ward at the John Radcliffe Hospital

Neuroscience intensive care, information for relatives

Sedation and Surgery

Having an Operation

The preoperative assessment clinic

Warfarin and neurosurgery

The neurosciences ward

Prevention of blood clots

Pituitary Surgery

Pituitary Surgery at The John Radcliffe Hospital

Nasal douching after surgery

GP factfile on pituitary disorders from the pituitary foundation

Patient information on pituitary disease from the pituitary foundation

Hydrocortisone emergency factsheet for ambulance personnel

Links to disease specific pituitary conditions booklets, Cushing’s, Acromegaly etc etc